What are UHF radio walkie talkies?

India's first online Walkie Talkie store

What are UHF radio walkie talkies?

November 12, 2019
Posted By: Admin

(Ultra High Frequency) operate on frequencies from 400 to 512 Megahertz (MHz). UHF radios work best for most two-way radio users because the waves are shorter and can get around or penetrate areas of interference found in buildings, thickly wooded or hilly areas and urban outdoor settings.

UHF walkie-talkies that come with a good-sized antenna and enough power can also reach into buildings and even push through and around steel, concrete, wood, and even earth. If your two-way radios are going to be used exclusively indoors or if they’ll need to go indoors and outdoors, UHF is your best choice.

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